Use "globalization|globalizations" in a sentence

1. Globalization means economic trade across borders.

2. Nation - state is the outcome of globalization, and also the most important propellent in the process of globalization.

3. Globalization is an international Buzzword

4. An Inclusive & Sustainable Globalization: A Multilateral Approach

5. That's what I call globalization Chinese style.

6. In: Globalization and the Future of German.

7. In an ongoing debate about globalization,

8. It's a necessary choice to know economy globalization well, to participate actively in economy globalization and to meet the challenge imperturbably.

9. Heard all about the globalization of finance?

10. The Prospects of Cultural Globalization: Utopia or Dystopia?

11. Globalization must not leave the “bottom billion” behind.

12. The phenomenon has accelerated with the advent of globalization.

13. Economic globalization has made Corruption a borderless crime

14. Globalization has opened a new era of migration.

15. Experts debate the fine line between Americanization and globalization

16. Only then will we truly reconcile democracy and globalization.

17. Yet to Koreans, globalization was a one-way street.

18. 23 Is assimilating with the Han the same as globalization?

19. Let's take a glance at the three main areas of globalization.

20. We are living in an age known as “accelerating globalization”.

21. Globalization has brought very little real benefit to developing countries.

22. Globalization has grown due to advances in transportation and communication technology.

23. Globalization , too , did not work the way it was supposed to .

24. The economic globalization rolls in like the tide, which influence omnipresent.

25. Globalization in this period was decisively shaped by nineteenth-century imperialism.

26. They consider globalization to be the root of all evil.

27. Its critics, however, counter that globalization can also bring down economies overnight.

28. Globalization can often lead to the destruction of local customs and cultures.

29. Globalization started well before the end of the cold war, of course.

30. And sort of the big motto of the anti- globalization movement.

31. Globalization is the tremendous drive force of heretofore in the future.

32. Globalization has played an important role as a dynamic force for growth.

33. The history of capitalism has beena history of the globalization of production.

34. Economic globalization and trade liberalization call for an elimination of tariff wall.

35. 13 Financial globalization allowed a few to hijack the world's banking systems.

36. The expression also became a catchphrase of the anti-globalization movement.

37. Global Assemblages presents a unique perspective on the current globalization debates

38. In other words, the whole idea of globalization was a canard.

39. As the result of globalization, now there are so many cross-national businesses.

40. Trends toward the globalization of industry have dramatically affected food production in California.

41. Globalization is increasing the demand for ideas, the incentive to create new ideas.

42. The penetrative and explosive force that China has in facing globalization is enormous.

43. The impulsion of economic globalization comes from the immanent logic of market order.

44. Globalization is a challenge, also an opportunity, for transcultural communication of Chinese Wushu.

45. A further set of issues contributing significantly to globalization concerns the environment.

46. In the evolution of the tide of globalization, transcultural communication is ever increasingly frequent.

47. As globalization runs down, this grim Catabolic future is eager to replace it.

48. Clinton offered no new measures to restore confidence in globalization and open trade.

49. African Development Forum ‘99: the challenge to Africa of globalization and the information age

50. After expressing his condolences he flew to Seattle for a world summit on globalization.

51. China should actively meet the challenge of globalization and vivify the traditional oriental culture.

52. Against the backdrop of growing economic globalization[], trade liberalization has attracted increasing attention.

53. In some respects, Arabization represents a cultural invasion mirroring globalization, both welcome and resented

54. An attendant phenomenon of rapid globalization is accelerating urban growth, especially in poorer countries.

55. The globalization of mercenaries to crack down on dissent is also proceeding apace.

56. In the matter of globalization, hope is focused on economic and social empowerment.

57. Globalization and constant innovation of technology result in a constantly evolving business environment.

58. We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.

59. Globalization has increased the vulnerability of the developing and transition economies to adverse external shocks.

60. The dualistic nature of developing societies has become more accentuated as a result of globalization.

61. Under the trends of globalization and regional integration, regionalism is taking shape in East Asia.

62. The era of globalization has created a field that the sameness and the otherness coexist.

63. The Aerotropolis represents the logic of globalization made flesh in the form of cities

64. A globalization method includes, after planning, three implementation steps: internationalization, localization and quality assurance.

65. The EU is one of the forces which is serving to accelerate the globalization process.

66. But an absolutely central part of globalization is that you have to know several languages.

67. Declining costs of transport and communication, and the globalization of markets have fueled this trend.

68. One result of globalization is the exposure of management inadequacies that have long lain hidden.

69. Globalization should be a powerful and dynamic force for strengthening cooperation and accelerating growth and development

70. It's going to require an understanding that the glory of globalization could also be its downfall.

71. We also cannot allow globalization to continue without giving developing countries a chance to catch up.

72. CAMBRIDGE -- Will the political resurgence of labor unions throw a wrench into the wheels of globalization?

73. Globalization has indeed been a force that has raised living standards for some across the world.

74. In the era of consume culture and cultural globalization, the multi - culture views are respected unprecedentedly.

75. We are now coming to see that economic globalization has come at a heavy price.

76. With the development of globalization(Sentence dictionary), money laundry crime has become international public nuisance.

77. There are two possible development scenarios for the process of economic globalization and trade liberalization.

78. Growing inequality in the advanced industrial countries was a long-predicted but seldom advertised consequence of globalization.

79. Globalization must seek to preserve diversity and strengthen local development, taking into account traditional values and identities.

80. The Cold War has ended, processes of globalization have accelerated and trans-national challenges are growing.